Judy Elias Hill
“Fayetteville Now & Then”
Judy Hill's wonderful look at our little community has been a labor of love. "What I've been painting is more than 2-dimensional representations of houses and buildings around Fayetteville built by generations between since 1844," she states. "It’s much more. It’s years of family hopes and dreams. I only wish I could superimpose all the history of each individual place into each of my individual paintings. And not just dates and styles and peoples’ names, but the reality of time that has passed from then to now. I hope you will think about this as you are viewing the show."
Judy has asked that the proceeds from this exhibition go towards building the Fayetteville Community Center & Performance Theater to create even more great Fayetteville history. The Fayetteville Community Center Group is a 501(c)(3) non-profit.
William Anzalone
“My Fields”
“William Anzalone: My Fields” features new works by the iconic Texas artist, now at the Red & White Gallery. Anzalone is known for his landscapes and is a master at creating paintings that please and challenge our senses at the same time.
We are offering paintings and drawings from William Anzalone’s personal collection of work completed between 2005 and 2017. Evocative color, realistic images on the edge of abstraction, and Anzalone’s ability to create spaces that draw the viewer into the image are all hallmarks of his legacy portfolio. For a personal showing, you may call Jerry Herring at 713-824-9433 for an appointment.
Emil Knodell
Emil Knodell has been photographing Fayetteville and the surrounding area for some time, sharing the images on his Facebook and Instagram pages. His show at the Red & White, “Local Color”, features many of those images and documents his unique take on the communities around him.